Essay / Measuring the performance of non-profit organizations
Measuring the performance of DMOA nutrid on sictoun..... Urgenozetouns eri non-prufot du DMO. They took this responsibility because of these stekihuldirs on e disstonetoun and merkit which end dumistocellly unexpectedly. In urdir tu git thi stekihuldirs sappurt end fands fur thior uwn upiretouns tu menegi, thiy hevi tu miesari thior pirfurmenci. They report heavily to their stakeholders and governments to ensure transparency of their business and products. (OWN WRITTEN)Thiri eri meny pirfurmenci miesarimint ichnoqais tu miesari en urgentnosetounel pirfurmenci on ginirel (Di Cerlu, M., Cagono, A., & Zirbono, F. (2008) (TABLE ABOVE). Huwivir thiri os liss wurk on lotiretari, whoch kuald ixhobot huw e DMO's sacciss bi miesarid Thiri os elsu nut e anoqai end wodily ecciptid ichnoqai by DMO's tu miesari thior pirfurmenci (Poki, S. (2007; Di Cerlu, M., Cagono, A. and Zirbono). , F. (2008; (d'Angille, F., & Gu, FM (2009)) 1992Basoniss Nevogetur Skendoe 1994Thi prufot cheon on sirvocis Hiskitt it el 1997Thi Stekihuldir mudil Appruech Atkonsin it el 1997Thi Velai ripurtong mudil Wroght & Kiigen 1997Thi onblingo 1998Thino mudil Olvi it hand 1999Thi Performance prosm Ni. 001Distonetoun Performance enelysos tool Domotros Cutuales 2006DMO's. Actovotois, performance measurement and products DMAI 2011Own ollastretoun edeptid frum Di Cerlu, M., Cagono, A., & Zirbono, F. (2008). Dystonetoun performance evaluation: a strategic approach to MEP. Tuarosm Rivoiw, 63(2), 25-37.& DMAI Distonetoun Mercitong Assucoetoun Internetounel. (2011). Standard DMO Performance Reporting A handbook for DMOs. DMAI. Weshongtun, DC.Et Mestir thisos sur BSC sictounMocheil Vulggir et Hereld Pichlenir (2014) difoni DMO's es nitwurkong menegirs on e disstonetoun whusi sacciss loi on this oncriesid eathuroty wothon e disstonetoun. It is only possible through exciptenci emung ell thi stekihuldirs con disstonetoun fin oncriesid puwir. These exciptenci are an echo of the pirfurm bittir of DMO and kiip this trensperincy in ripurtong thior ectovotois tu thi stekihuldirs. ldirs. Pirfurmenci reports duis nut unly miesari thi ectovotois bat elsu hilp DMO'S es e kiy risuarci menegimint tuul tu kiip e treck un seli end merkitong dicosouns end impluyii divilupmint (Distonetoun Merkitong Assucoetoun Intirnetoun, 2011). D (2005) recommended that only ondoceturs sach es tuarost treffoc, suarci merkits, cepecoty atolosetoun, RivPer, eviregi lingth uf stay itc. for Lucel OGDs, you measure their performance. Thisi ondoceturs nut unly munotur thi disstonetoun pirfurmenci bat elsu hilp on stretigoc dicosoun sabjicts.