
  • Essay / The Death of Capital Punishment - 1118

    The Death of Capital PunishmentHumans, by nature, strive to preserve life, not to end it; it is this moral sense that makes us human, and yet, some believe that we have the right to take the life of another human. Since childhood, we have been taught the undeniable truth that murder is wrong, so why is it acceptable if it is committed by our government. Capital punishment, more commonly called the death penalty, is only an illusion of human professional murder (Zivot). Whether or not capital punishment can deter the world from crime, one person at a time, it does so in a way that abolishes not only a life but also the humanity of those who believe in it through its violations, its financial costs and his faults. ; therefore, capital punishment should be death. Proponents of this form of punishment believe that capital punishment does more to protect and benefit society than to harm it, to the extent that it could shut down a community or deter it from committing future crimes (Kay). Some people would associate the death penalty with the saying “an eye for an eye” in that it provides closure for affected families (Dobbs). Ernest Van Den Haag, professor of jurisprudence at Fordham University, says: "Common sense, recently reinforced by statistics, tells us that the death penalty will deter murder... People fear nothing but dead. Therefore, nothing will deter a criminal more than the fear of death” ( Naturally, people are afraid of death, so they use this logic to argue that the threat of the death penalty intimidates criminals who otherwise would not be intimidated. In summary, proponents of the death penalty argue that the death of criminals only brings benefits to society. This can be supported...... middle of paper...... ty. " McClatchy-Tribune News Service. July 5, 2013: np SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. April 17, 2014. "Capital Punishment and Innocent Executions." Stuart Warren. Np, nd Web. May 1, 2014. "Death Penalty: The High Cost of the death penalty." Np, nd Web. May 1, 2014. "Death Penalty." Headlines from Np, nd Web. May 10, 2014. Dobbs, Greg. "Inmates of the “State Convicted Murderers Deserve Their Fate.” Denver Post, March 17, 2013: D.4, Web Issues Researcher, April 17, 2014. Punishment.” Buffalo News. February 1, 2014: A.6. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. April 1, 2014. Margolick, David. “25 EXECUTED FOR ILLUSTRATION IN THE UNITED STATES” The New York Times. The New York Times, nd Web. May 11, 2014. Zivot, Joel. “Why I want to ban lethal injections. » USA TODAY, December 16, 2013: A.10, web researcher.. 2014.