Essay / Road Not Taken - 387
Critical Interpretation of “The Road Not Taken” by Robert FrostAs a poem, “The Road Not Taken” is a great source of inspiration and can be understood by all readers, from the reader intuitive to a novice poetry reader. A short poem in 4 sections, Robert Frost gave the main theme of the poem in its title, “The Road Not Taken”. Depending on the reader, the "road not taken" can ultimately involve any journey in life in which a decision between two paths must be made. “Two Diverging Paths in a Yellow Wood” provides the introduction and gives the main idea that a path must be chosen from two routes. Frost further added to the drama of the decision in that both paths are desirable with "and sorry, I couldn't travel both." Frost implies that which path to choose is a personal decision in "and being a single traveler". In describing the two paths, Frost uses reverse language to describe. The first path was “curved in the undergrowth,” meaning it was well worn and presented no possibility of overgrowth. The second path was "grassy and wanted to wear", meaning it was overgrown and lacked wear (or path). Frost foreshadows his decision through his use of language to describe these two paths. With both roads or paths equal, ultimately a decision must be made without regret, this is the meaning Frost gives in "And both that morning lay equally In the leaves, no step had had". black trodden. While Frost has made up his mind about which path to follow, he introduces another idea that, having traveled the chosen path, he may be able to return to the philosophical crossroads and choose the other path. But then he reminds himself that as one decision leads to other decisions and time passes, he will probably never be able to return to that point in his life or his journey..