Essay / Introduction Of Smoking - 2530
2014A research survey compiled by Eckaard le Roux[AN REVERSAL PROBLEM- PASSIVE SMOKING]Are smokers aware of the effects of their smoking habits on children?Content:IntroductionTerminologyResearch methodologyReview of literatureResearchResearch questionHypothesisTarget groupQuestionnaireInformation processingTarget group Question responseConclusionList of referencesIntroduction:The Director of the National Council Against Tobacco Use (NCAS), Dr. Yussuf Saloojee, said: “Tobacco use remains one of the leading causes of premature death and preventable in South Africa. Tobacco kills 44,000 South Africans every year. (Three times more than car accidents.) » According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco kills half of those who use it. It is estimated that around 700 million children inhale air polluted by tobacco smoke. Concerns about second-hand smoke have played a central role in debates about the harms – causing illness, disability and even death – and tobacco-related legislation. Reading the above, it is clear that secondhand smoke causes many of the same illnesses as direct smoking. such as cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer and respiratory diseases. The good news, however, is that South Africa's new smoking law focuses, among other things, on protecting young children from exposure to second-hand smoke. Some of these laws include: • No smoking within five meters of an entrance. • Smoking is prohibited in a car in the presence of a passenger under the age of twelve. • Cigarettes must not be purchased by any person under the age of 18.Terminology: Smoking: is a practice in which a substance, for example tobacco, is burned and, after the smoke, is inhaled. Secondhand smoke (SHS): is... middle of paper... it's easier to say than Although there is hope, from a legal point of view, it seems that the law is on the side of young people for a change and is trying to protect their bodies and their future. So if adults don't understand the importance of a smoke-free environment, I hope the law takes its place and imposes it on everyone. Reference List (All websites visited on February 8, 2014)1. http://www.cyh.com/healthtopics/healthtopicdetails.aspx?p=114&np=301&id=15792. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=126493. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK44321/4. http://www.who.int/tobacco/resources/publications/wntd/2007/pol_recommendations/en/5. http://www.southafrica.net/za/en/travel-tips/entry/travel-tip-smoking6. http://www.simplylinks.co.za/press/877/view/view7. http://www.capetown.gov.za/EN/CITYHEALTH/ENVIROHEALTH?Pages/SmokinginPublicPlaces.aspx