Essay / How Organizational Bureaucratization Affects Work and Life...
Work-life balance has been a widely studied topic within organizational communication. Much research focuses on how to achieve balance; This study will examine how higher or lower levels of organizational bureaucratization affect work-life balance and job satisfaction within theater organizations. Work-life balance has become an issue for employees to manage due to many factors such as technology and work overload which has created a mix between work and home life. This topic is important in the field because research has shown that when work and life are not sufficiently balanced, it can lead to work-family conflict, stress, and job dissatisfaction. All of this can cause an employee to reduce production and create higher turnover rates (I realize I need sources for this, I remember reading about this in a specific article and now I don't can't find the article. If I can't find it, I'll remove this or find another article). Additionally, when organizations demonstrate flexibility in their work-life balance policies, does this correlate with the level of bureaucratization of the organization? Individuals who have more decision-making authority and power within their organization might have more say and more flexible work-life policies, thereby achieving balance. First, the literature on work-life balance research will be reviewed, as well as organizational bureaucratization and job satisfaction to get a sense of what has already been done in these areas. Many research questions aim to find. Little research has been done within theater organizations that focuses on the organizational communication aspect, so it will be interesting to see how these employees manage work-life balance...... middle of article. .....rs -- National Communication Association, 1. Schultz, NJ, Hoffman, MF, Fredman, AJ, & Bainbridge, AL (2012). The work and life of young professionals: rationale and strategy for balance. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 13(1), 44-52. Shoham, M. (2009). Marking the division of labor: division of meanings in organizational groups. Conference Papers -- International Communication Association, 1-45.Tiwari, A. (2012). Corruption, democracy and bureaucracy. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 19(9), 17-28.West, KE (2011). Who makes the decisions? A study on television journalists, their bosses and a market study carried out by consultants. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 55(1), 19-35. doi:10.1080/08838151.2011.546249 Yoshimura, C. (2013). A dialectical approach to work-family conflict. The North West Communications Journal, 41(1), 7-38.