Essay / An Argument for Gay Marriage - 842
Today in the United States, the divorce rate is 50% nationwide. With increasing promiscuity and the effects of a steadily declining economy, marriage is no longer a priority for some. For still others, ignoring the fact that many no longer view marriage as crucial, they are determined to save what they view as the model of marriage. For years, marriage options for gay people have been the subject of ongoing debate, and it continues today. Many critics of this ordeal advance the argument that allowing same-sex unions would single-handedly destroy the already fragile structure of marriage (Head). They go on to claim that same-sex marriages would make men barbaric, because women are the only ones capable of taming them (Nock 17). But homosexuals have not been given the opportunity in America to prove criticism of their desires wrong. It is not fair that heterosexuals are allowed to marry and divorce as they please while homosexuals are not even allowed to marry. Homosexuals are like all average Americans. They pay taxes, have jobs and some even vote. Yet, they are still not allowed to exercise the love they feel for their partner due to ignorance and fear. Allowing homosexuals to marry would recognize the legitimacy of same-sex couples, and the idea of being gay would not be considered anathema. Dieufene 2Many believe that homosexuality is a total abomination and a lack of respect for God. Those who think this way use arguments such as the story of Sodom and Gomorrah where God destroyed an entire city because of the gall of the men of the city's attempt to have relations with two angels (NIV 23). They also continue to refute the idea of the house... middle of paper ......es » Oxford University Press,Hardwired to Connect: The New Scientific Case for Authoritative Communities Institute for American Values 1998 April 27 2011Oppenheimer, Brand. "A Gay Catholic Voice Against Same-Sex Marriage." Nytimes.com. January 4, 2010. The web. April 25, 2011. Robinson, BA “Suicides among young gays and lesbians.” ReligiousTolerance.org by the Ontario Religious Tolerance Consultants. August 1, 2008. The web. April 27, 2011. Saletan, William. "Should gays adopt children? - By William Saletan." Slate Magazine. February 7, 2002 Web. April 26, 2011 Schulman, Sam. "The Worst Thing About Same-Sex Marriage | The Weekly Standard." The Weekly Standard | A conservative weekly magazine and news and opinion blog. June 1, 2009. The web. April 25, 2011. Sprigg, Peter. "Warwick Beacon - A pro family group ready for the gay marriage debate." Warwick Beacon - Latest News, Classifieds,