
  • Essay / fff - 962

    Power is the physical and mental control that someone or something exercises over another person or group of people. I'm afraid that if I plagiarize my essay, I might be penalized or suspended. This is the power of fear. Power has the ability to influence people's behavior. Contrary to popular belief, power does not necessarily imply the use of force or threat. As important as the analysis of power is, there is no way to truly understand power. Power is too diverse and controversial. Power in our society is very unstable, causing gender inequality, racism, and many other social problems. Take for example gender inequality. We cannot explain gender inequality if we do not first understand power. Power does not cause gender inequality or racism, it builds them. Reflecting on or correcting power imbalances will solve many problems in the social world, and for this reason alone, it is worth thinking about power to understand society. In Simone de Beauvoir's reading “Woman as Other,” we see how power is used to increase inequalities between the sexes. Simone de Beauvoir's central thesis in this play is that men have subjugated women through hardship, exercising an unfair use of their authority by calling them "the Other." Women were called “the sex” and were only essential to man for sexual purposes. Women were only defined in relation to men. They were considered inessential and non-essential. Even today, married women must change their initials from “Ms”. to “Mrs.” And change their last name to that of their husband, while men are called “Mr.” whether they are married or not. According to Beauvoir, man is “the absolute” and woman is “the other”, because “man can think of himself without woman. It is middle of paper...... Gandhi's Satyagraha is similar to how Jesus would respond towards non-violence. He assumed that Jesus' ethics were only effective in individual relationships (264). Gandhi preached about non-violence and that we should not engage in violent behavior regardless of the issue. King, Jr felt like these claims were invalid until he read about Gandhi and immediately realized how wrong he was. He believed that Gandhi was the first individual in history to use the ethic of love of Jesus on a larger scale. In the article "Negro Problem", Gunner states that the only way to solve the problem was to improve conditions for black people. However, King Jr. said that if black Americans and other victims of oppression succumb to the temptation to resort to violence in the fight for freedom, future generations will be the beneficiaries of a desolate night of bitterness. (265).