Essay / “Knowledge is generated by the interaction of...
“Knowledge is defined as facts, information and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. (Google, 2014). The way knowledge is generated is different in different fields of knowledge, but the way we acquire it requires thought and thought process. My definition of critical thinking is “judging” a context and simply analyzing it after a basic understanding, which requires the use of logical reasoning. Creative thinking, however, requires the use of imagination to generate a variety of possible outcomes from basic tools. The natural sciences and the arts will be the two areas of knowledge that I will focus on and through which I will explore three knowledge questions: To what extent does the generation of knowledge require both creative and critical thinking? How do the roles of creative and critical thinking and their interaction vary across fields of knowledge? Is thinking the only way to know?In science, to make discoveries, scientists used their imagination to discover facts, for example when Newton discovered gravity when an apple fell to the ground. Instead of critically analyzing how he fell, he thought there was some kind of force pulling him down. He couldn't see it but he believed there was a force. Thinking was not enough here; he used perception. Nothing about this event involved him, but Newton knew there was a force. Well, if the creativity, which then led him to this belief, had been undone, would he have discovered gravity? Probably not because gravity is just there, it has no physical characteristics. I say this because I believe it as Newton proved his thinking. He conducted experiments to prove this theory that there is a force in the middle of paper... that constitutes a broad umbrella that cannot be acquired simply through creative and critical thinking. In some cases like literature, one is enough to help with reasoning. It depends on the subjects whether creative or critical thinking leads to influence or the fusion of the two as in the natural sciences. Knowledge can be generated from both of these, but only to a certain extent, as neither would work without reasoning and perception. Newton's creativity required perception and to understand music one must understand emotions. Reflection is therefore not the only way to acquire knowledge. /view/Excellent+YCIS+Example+4.pdf http://www.studymode.com/essays/Tok-Essay-Knowledge-Is-Generated-Through-1483711.html