
  • Essay / ethics - 662

    Punishment can be defined as “the imposition of hardship in response to misconduct” as it relates to the criminal justice system. There are five possible objectives for punishing criminals: incapacitation, deterrence, restitution, retribution and rehabilitation. The idea of ​​incapacitation is that it takes criminals off the streets and protects society. By physically removing the offender from the community, it would prevent them from committing future crimes against the public while serving their sentence. The deterrent approach dissuades people from engaging in illegal acts by threatening them with sanctions. If the criminal justice system increases the severity of sentences, the crime rate will decrease. Restitution is a form of punishment whereby the offender compensates the victim for the harm caused by the offender's unlawful acts. Retribution involves the idea of ​​"letting the punishment fit the crime" and advocates that since the criminal has caused harm to society, society has the right to inflict harm in return. The rehabilitative approach to punishment aims to reform a convict so that he or she can lead a productive, crime-free life. Kant's theory is an example of deontological moral theory in which the right or wrong of an action does not depend on the consequences but on whether it fulfills its duty. The moral value of an action is determined by its motive or the reason behind it. Kant's categorical imperative, a rule true in all circumstances and the foundation of all other rules, comes in two versions: principle of universality and kingdom of ends. The principle of universality is defined as "acting only according to the maxim by which a person can at the same time want it to become a middle of paper ......nces of an action, We believe that these benefits cannot not be obtained with less suffering or at less cost to those who are punished. They want to prevent offenders from causing further harm and believe that it is not morally right to punish criminals to give them what they deserve. Punishment is only justified if it promotes general happiness according to utilitarian principles. Additionally, utilitarians would promote rehabilitation as a goal of punishment to reform and educate offenders to make them more productive members of society. Utilitarianism would view retribution as an unethical form of punishment because it produces no consequences and no benefits in mind. The main problem utilitarians face with retribution is that although the offender suffers from the punishment, but without any compensating benefit in terms of happiness.