

    Over the past two years of teaching, I have integrated classroom behavior management approaches from the humanistic tradition, applied behavior analysis, and the tradition of classroom management in my classroom. Each approach provided a unique benefit and definitely contributed to the success of my classroom teaching. Even though I didn't realize the "terms" of these different approaches at the time, I inadvertently implemented them. I now realize how much they helped me implement my effective classroom management plan. One of my strengths as a teacher is my ability to build relationships and communicate with my students. The humanistic approach to classroom management focuses on the inner thoughts, feelings, psychological needs, and emotions of each student (1). Humanist approaches emphasize the importance of giving students time to control their own behavior. At the beginning of the year, I wrote on the board, “Keep SMALL problems small.” Through discussion, they understood that I wanted to address issues when they were minor and not let them escalate. I wanted them to “own” their behavior and let me know if they were making appropriate choices. This definitely used the humanist tradition in my classroom management and highlighted the essential role of communication and problem solving between teacher and students. This use of the humanist tradition in managing my classroom was evident because my primary focus was their inner thoughts and feelings. Making them take ownership of their behavior gives them the opportunity to develop control over their behavior rather than being adamant about immediate change. During teachable moments, I showed the posters in my room as self-guided interventions...... middle of paper ...... different approaches will contribute to a successful year! Works Cited1. Borich, Gary D, Effective Teaching Methods – Research-Based Practices / Gary D. Borich.-6th Edition Copyright 2007, Pearson Education Inc., Upper Sadle River, New Jersey 07458. Pg 193.2., Albert Einstein > quotes > quotable quote, ©2010 Goodreads Inc3., Copyright 2010 / / All rights reserved4. Borich, Gary D, Effective Teaching Methods – Research-Based Practices / Gary D. Borich.-6th Edition Copyright 2007, Pearson Education Inc., Upper Sadle River, New Jersey 07458. Pg 193.5. Borich, Gary D, Effective Teaching Methods – Research-Based Practices / Gary D. Borich.-6th Edition Copyright 2007, Pearson Education Inc., Upper Sadle River, New Jersey 07458. Pg 193.