
  • Essay / The main aspects of my personal nursing philosophy

    N-Nourishing U-universal and R-realistic S-services to E-everyoneSay no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essayMy own meaning of nursing concerns my patient in general; using my insight, knowledge and skills, being compassionate and human with self-awareness and sincerity. Take care of the care of; spiritual, physical and emotional aspect of the patient, and taking into account his family as a whole and his environment. I first chose the midwifery course, then I started becoming a nurse because I truly believe that the desire to help people through nursing is a calling, and I feel drawn with the idea of ​​helping those in need. Nursing is a respectable career although not all of us are nurses here in the Philippines enjoying a fair salary. My mission is to proudly provide open-minded care to those who need it, regardless of their spiritual beliefs, lifestyle choices, financial situation or disability. My personal philosophy is that nurses, as providers of all services that may be relevant to the health and well-being of the client. can thus promote healing. Provide information that may prevent the outbreak of a disease or control the spread of a health problem that may affect the entire population. Responds to service request when needed. Integration of ideas acquired during training, seminars and learning through self-reading of research articles. Nurses must be guaranteed to keep their information and skills up to date and be able to improve through endless learning. In doing this, we will not remain fixed in our beliefs; however, develop expertly through evidence-based practices and technical advancements. I will continue to learn, especially at work, in my own home, and in the surrounding areas I wander around. We should also strive to model healthy, positive behaviors in our own lives, believing that we will provide better care to others if we care for others. ourselves first. Although it is so difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but for us to be a role model in the community, I must continue to follow the laws and guidelines as a health worker for myself and for the community where I am assigned. With daily exposure to everyday people, special connections and interactions can evolve. My own core beliefs and beliefs as an individual are generosity, authenticity, perseverance, pursuit of learning, financial security, emotional stability, family relationships, and achieving my goals. These values ​​and beliefs can help me in my daily decisions. The characteristics that make a good nurse cannot be stopped near the end of the job, but they are part of me as an individual and I always pass them on with me. To experiment with my everyday reasoning methods, I have to remind myself that although I generally try to put forth a valiant effort in my daily task at work, I'm just human, I can sometimes make mistakes. In case something does not go as planned, I will examine the circumstances and take advantage of them. I will continue my work with the certainty that I am a better health worker than the day before and that I will be an expert nurse tomorrow as I was today. I.