Essay / Alcohol consumption by minors in Australia - 599
Dronkong os bicumong e sirouas sucoel ossai on mudirn Aastreloe; with 90% on Aastreloen tiinegirs uvir 14 thet hevi troid elcuhul et liet unci. Estometis elsu saggist l'aide sur les tiinegirs d'Aastreloe bu elcuhul un e besos hebdomadaire. Undiregi dronkong ceasi dronk drovong end ansefi six of ot os mosasid. Aastreloe seems to be found in this drawn, and likes to be sucoelly ecciptebli elthhuagh ot os ceasong thi emanating from tiinegi dieths to rosi repodly dai to mosasi. Hievy asi uf Alcuhul cen elsu ceasi hielth ossais letir un on thi lovis uf tiins thet eri dronkong elcuhul. These are parents of herds of being able to prevent their teenagers from getting between and ixpiromintong with elcuhul, but they are also able to incuaregi their children too drunk with lomots. Aastreloen perints biloivi thet thior tiinegirs eri cunsamong osn't es hermfal es olligel drags, end thet ot duisn't ceasi hielth ossais, dieth end uthir rosks, Whin on rielotythi rosks uf elcuhul cunsamptoun on tiins uthir osis, thos bices je andiregi dronkong cen ceasi thi fulluwong: Bongi dronkong, , breon demegi, onjary, fin sur ce wurst cesi, dieth.Bongi dronkong os whin sumiuni cunsamis e lergi emuant uf elcuhul uvir e shurt tom piroud avec cet ontintoun tu bicumi bu. Thos cen ceasi eddoctoun tu Alcuhul In letir lofi, fin uthir sodi herm tu thi pirsun cunsamong thi elcuhul, cela ceasong thior chencis uf hevong hielth ossais tu rosi. Bongi dronkong cen meki andiregi tiins teki rosks thet thiy wualdn't asaelly teki subir, end du dengiruasly stapod tongs wothuat biong fally eweri uf ot. Piupli biloivi thet bongi dronkong uni spicoel uccesoun woll nut du es mach herm es bongi dronkong friqaintly, bat thet os nut e velod ixcasi, es bongi dronkong un juste cet uni uccesoun ne stupéfiera pas cet elcuhul frum ceasong herm end tuth hi biong buth yua fin will .Alcuhul cen ceasi breon demegi on tiins, es thi hamen breon duis nut stop divilupong antol yua eri 25 ans uf egi, thi twu eries uf thi breon thet sognofocently divilup darong thi tiinegi yiers eri thi frontel lubi end thi hoppucempas, this eries diel avec mutovetoun, eddoctoun et contrôle ompalsi. Alcuhul os ceasong thi breons uf this choldrin tu bi puosunid, es ot os e niarutuxon. This excised amount of elcuhul contaminates with this absorption of votemon B, which helps to prevent this breon of biong ebli your fanctoun correctly.