Essay / Religion and Science in the Classroom - 1848
Science, in the words of Albert Einstein, “describes what is.” “Such a description consists of certain laws of nature, which summarize observed patterns and theories” (Peshkin 46). Science and religion are major components of the ongoing national debate over the teaching of evolution in our public schools (Peshkin 46). Various religions reject or ignore the contributions of science, arguing that science displaces God, questions religious belief, and degrades morality (Molloy 547). Others disagree, appreciating the science and important information that has expanded our knowledge by providing explanations for natural phenomena and continually enriching our lives. In some religions and traditions, science poses ethical questions. Does religion influence a person's code of ethics to the point of discouraging beneficial research and education? The integrity of science taught in public schools is under serious attack (Peshkin 46). Christian groups want creationism to be taught along with evolution. This is a problem because creationism, which is currently disguised as Intelligent Design, is not a science. “Given the wide variety of religious views on creation, there are simply no two sides to compare and, in any case, these views are not science and have no place in a science class” (Verma 206). Proponents of classroom creationism say Since evolution is a flawed theory, it cannot be accepted as "fact." Instead, students should be exposed to other theories, such as creationism, that seek to explain the origins of humanity. Decisions about teaching creationism should be left to local school boards. Critics of classroom creationism say that evolution is accepted by the majority amid paper and change. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008. 547-50. Print.Morris, H. (1985). Scientific creationism. Green Forest, AR: Master Books. Overton, W. R. (1982). Creationism in Schools: The McLean v. Arkansas School Board Decision. Science, 215, 934-943.Peshkin, Murray. “Addressing the Public on Science and Religion.” Physics Today, July 2006: 46+. Academic Search Elite.EBSCO.Web. April 20, 2011The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, fourth edition. 2003 “Update: evolution and creationism”. Problems and controversies recorded: n. page. Problems and controversies. Facts On File News Services, August 13, 2007. Web. April 21, 2011. .Verma, KK Evolution Versus Intelligent Design. Printed Zoo Journal. 21(3).Wilgoren, J. New York Times, Kansas Board Endorses Challenges to Evolution. 2005.