Essay / The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle By Albert Einstein
Regarding the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Albert Einstein repeatedly stated that “God does not play dice with the universe. »1 Like many great rational thinkers – and perhaps the human mind in general – Einstein was wrong to believe that, at a fundamental level, nature could be as random as the roll of a dice. Unfortunately for Einstein, much of quantum mechanics posits the randomness inherent in the most fundamental elements of nature. However, Einstein and devotees can find some comfort in prime numbers, about which the famous number theorist Carl Pomerance once remarked: "God may not be playing dice with the universe, but something Strange things happen with prime numbers. "Prime numbers have been of interest to mathematicians for centuries, and we owe much of our existing knowledge on the subject to thinkers who lived well before the common era – such as Euclid who demonstrated that there is an infinity of prime numbers around 300 BCE. Yet as long as prime numbers have been part of mathematicians' lexicon, many questions about prime numbers remain unanswered.....