Essay / Theoretical Perspectives on Reading Teaching
IntroductionSince the reading movements of the 1980s and 1990s, many different theoretical perspectives on reading teaching have been proposed. This article will examine and discuss major themes, questions, and influences arising from theoretical perspectives on reading instruction proposed since the 1980s. This article will also examine four articles related to themes and questions drawn from the University Library of State on the teaching of reading. The author will relay these articles from the library; to current personal and classroom experiences. Research on Learning Styles and Reading: Implications for Teaching The first article we will look at is by Marie Carbo and entitled "Research on Learning Styles and Reading: Implications for Teaching 'teaching'. This article shares the importance of teaching students to read through their individual learning styles. The article then discusses research on the Dunn and Dunn learning styles model which indicates: (a) that students' reading achievement and attitudes improve significantly when they learn to read according to their own styles individual learning; (b) that students' reading style strengths and preferences can develop at different times and at different paces; (c) that the use of the Learning Style Inventory and the Reading Style Inventory are valid and reliable instruments that teachers can use to assist in the teaching of reading (Carbo, 1984) . According to Carbo, research in reading and learning can be evaluated in five categories. categories that include: environmental preferences, perceptual strength preferences, perceptual development, grade-level comparisons, and achievement-level comparisons. Environmental preferences refer to how the middle of paper ......environment and a balance of overall language and phonetics to rely on. ReferenceCarbo, M. (1984). Research on learning style and reading: Implications for teaching. Theory Into Practice, 23(1), 72. Retrieved April 30, 2011 from EBSCOhost. Dowhower, S. and Beagle, K. (1998). The print environment in kindergartens: A study of conventional and holistic teachers and their classes in three contexts. Reading Research and Teaching, 37(3), 161-90. Retrieved May 1, 2011, from OmniFile Full Text Select Database. Gullatt, D. and Lofton, B. (1998). Helping at-risk learners succeed: A comprehensive approach to school success. Middle Schools, 7(4), 11-14. Retrieved April 30, 2011, from OmniFile Full Text Database SelectWeaver, C. and ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading, EN (1994). Phonetics in whole language classrooms. ERIC collection. Retrieved May 1, 2011 from EBSCOhost.