Essay / Literary Analysis of “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee Williams
“Oh. Laura, Laura, I tried to leave you behind, but I'm more faithful than I intended to be! The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams is a memory game that emphasizes the impossibility of true escape. Between 1929 and 1939, the country experienced a downturn when the stock market crashed and caused a Great Depression that affected everyone financially. In Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie, he uses literary devices such as simile, symbolism, and imagery to reveal the impossibility of true escape. Tennessee Williams uses symbolism to show the impossibility of true escape. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay What is the poem full of? The use of imagery and allegory Tennessee Williams uses symbolism to emphasize the impossibility of true escape by showing Tom spending a lot of time on the fire escape. “Tom enters, dressed as a merchant seaman, and heads towards the fire escape. There he stops and lights a cigarette. Tom walking around on the fire escape and spending a lot of time there smoking looks like Tom will try to escape and almost escape, then escape. Except he doesn't really escape because he still holds Laura's memories. Symbolism is used to show the impossibility of true escape when Tom argues with his mother and goes to the movies. “Where are you going?” I'm going to the cinema! It is obvious that symbolism is used to show that Tom wants to escape his reality but is unable to do so. Whenever things at home become unbearable, he leaves the house and goes to the movies. To conclude, Tennessee Williams uses symbolism to express the impossibility of true escape. Tennessee Williams uses allegory to show the impossibility of true escape. Tennessee Williams uses allegory when Amanda talks about her husband when referring to her past. “A slight disadvantage like that, they cultivate something else to compensate and develop charm, liveliness and charm! That's all you have to do! One thing your father had a lot of was charm!. This is proof that it is an allegory because Amanda always refers to her husband in a bad way because she blames him for putting her in this position of a single mother when she would have could have been married. to a landowner. This shows that Amanda never really escapes because she can't find another husband and is still stuck with Laura when Tom leaves. Tennessee Williams uses allegory when Laura references her past when she was in high school and loved Jim O'Connor.Tennessee Williams uses allegory when Laura references her past when she was in high school and loved Jim O'Connor Connor. “I said pleurisy. He asked me what was wrong when I got back. I said pleurisy, he thought I said blue roses! that's why he always called me that after that. I didn't like the girl he was dating, Emily Meisenbach. Emily was the best dressed girl in Soldan.” This is an allegory because the lesson Laura learns when she references her past is that she was too shy around people. She states that she didn't care for the girl her crush Jim dated because she was too shy. Conclusions and Final Thoughts In conclusion, Tennessee Williams uses allegory to show the impossibility of true escape. Tennessee Williams uses imagery to show the impossibility of true escape. The author uses images when.