Essay / Essay 2 - 603
According to Mill, the principle of utility is that actions are right to the extent that they tend to promote happiness; false because they tend to produce the opposite of happiness.” Mill's definition of the principle of utility consists of measuring happiness which is pleasure and the absence of pain; and misfortune which are pain and deprivation of pleasure. When a person makes the right decision, he gains happiness or pleasure by doing the right thing. When this person commits a bad action, he feels pain or deprivation of pleasure, which is the opposite of happiness. The principle of Utility does not only measure the happiness of the individual. It measures both the quantity and quality of the overall happiness that results for everyone, including that of the individual. The principle of utility is one of the concepts of utilitarianism, promoting the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. Utilitarianism is a normative ethical view aimed at determining what one should and should not do in society when it comes to ethical decisions. The principle of morality can be considered as the principle of ethical decision....