Essay / Fight against hunger - 1950
Globalization: effective ways for individuals to contribute to solving world hunger problemsMillions of people die every year, all over the world, because of hunger and poverty illness, many of whom are children (Global Problems, 2010). Millions more go hungry, many in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. However, several thousand tons of food are wasted every year. This happens when people consume food, during harvest, during storage, and when crops are destroyed by pests, insects, diseases, and animals. Food waste in poor countries is caused by lack of technology and infrastructure and results in the loss of a quarter of crops (Global Problems, 2010). According to Global Issues (2010), world hunger results from poverty. World hunger is a matter of concern and continued efforts must be made to save millions of people around the world. Addressing the real cause of poverty is crucial to permanently solving world hunger. A study by the Food and Agriculture Organization found that around 1.3 billion tonnes of food are typically wasted each year (FAO 2011). The study also found that consumers in rich countries waste almost as much food as that produced in sub-Saharan Africa. Among these, fruits, vegetables and tubers are the most wasted. This implies that if individuals in wealthy countries can implement principles that minimize the amount of food wasted, world hunger can be significantly reduced. For example, savings from waste can be donated to people living in poor countries or to people affected by natural disasters like droughts, wars and earthquakes. Minimizing food loss in rich countries will lead to a reduction in food loss. document ...... Extracted from: www.fao.org.Global Issues. Social, political, economic and environmental issues that affect us all: Global Hunger and Poverty, 2010. Retrieved from: www.globalissues.org. International Food Policy Research Institute. Food Policy Declaration, 2001. Extracted from: www.ifpri.org.Landesa, Rural Development Institute. Opportunity, Security, Prosperity and Pride of Land Ownership, 2011. Retrieved from: www.landesa.org.Susskind Yifat. To fight global warming and prevent hunger, we need to change how we grow our food, 2009. Retrieved from: http://www.alternet.org/environment/144586/to_fight_global_warming_and_prevent_hunger%2C_we_need_to_change_how_we_grow_our_food/UN NEWS CENTER. Fighting world hunger tops agenda at UN high-level talks in Rome, 2010. Retrieved from: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID =36395&Cr=food+security&Cr1