Essay / Year-round schooling benefits teachers and students
Year-round school or modified school year is a rearrangement of the traditional school year to provide students with continuous learning throughout the school year. Students receive the same instructional time as a traditional school. In schools open all year round, teaching time is balanced without school time being more equitably distributed. (Winter 2005) The National Association for Year Round Schooling defines it as “a program that contains no breaks longer than eight weeks – schools are able to keep their students in constant learning mode and are able to utilize intersessions between learning periods. school to resolve the problems of students who are late. (St. Gérard, 2007, p. 57) There are three common streams of schooling throughout the year. These are single-track, multi-track and extended year. The single track is scheduled throughout the year in intersessions which leave time for enrichment or red mediation. Multi-tracking is used to help schools reduce overcrowding. The school divides teachers and students into equal-sized groups. Each group has its own schedule. One group is in intercession while the other is at school. The extended year increases the time spent in school from 180 days to 240 days per year. (McGlynn, 2002) Year-round schooling has many advantages. The two main benefits of year-round schooling are eliminating or reducing learning loss during summer vacations and improving student achievement. Winter also discussed other benefits such as increased school attendance, reduced dropout rates, student attitudes and teacher attitudes. Less absenteeism on the part of teachers and students. Student attitudes were more positive toward school and learning...... middle of paper ......g due to administrative burnout, changing properties of the school board, cost savings, educational issues. social benefits and the different needs of secondary and primary schools. Disruption to the lives of students, parents and teachers was also another disadvantage McChesney mentioned. (McChesney, 1996)In conclusion, the benefits of year-round schooling benefit everyone. If all schools moved to year-round schooling, I think we would be able to teach all students without having to relearn skills from previous years, this could be done during intersessions. Year-round schooling benefits both teachers and students. Teachers are able to reflect on their teaching and adapt in time before the next session begins. Students would feel positive about themselves at school. With this change, we may even be able to achieve No Child Left Behind..