Essay / The Effects of MTV on American Culture - 3134
MTV, formerly known as Music Television, is one of the most watched television networks today. Created approximately thirty-three years ago, it has radically changed American culture in more ways than one. Specifically targeting teens and young adults, the MTV network provides all the latest celebrity gossip, highlights the latest fashion trends, promotes versified lifestyles and defines the music industry of our generation. However, this so-called “idolized network” was not always like this. American culture has been affected by MTV through the creation of the network, the transformation of simple music television into inappropriate reality shows, and the promotion of inappropriate content. Historically, MTV was created and first broadcast on television on August 1, 1981. The first words spoken in the hit series were uttered by one of the creators of MTV, John Lack: "Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll. Because the network began as a program in which video jockeys played free music videos, the very first video shown was "Video Killed the Radio Star" by The Buggles. A few years later, on September 14, 1984, MTV held its very first Video Music Awards. Today, this awards show dominates all major social media outlets and is one of the main reasons the network currently exists. Cyndi Lauper and Madonna were the first two "famous" artists to appear at the awards ceremony. Gaining immediate viewers in almost every home in New Jersey, record labels began to open their eyes to the idea that MTV could potentially revolutionize and generate more money than ever before from broadcast music videos. As the idea that MTV was promoting through these music videos became more and more popular... middle of article......QmY3VzdGlkPXM4ODYzMTM3JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#db=f5h&AN=12529027http://www .cnn.com/2014 /01/13/health/16-pregnant-teens-childbirth/http://books.google.com/books?id=GdWICemQm2UC&pg=PA103&lpg=PA103&dq=controversies+teen+mom+and+16 +and+pregnant&source=bl&ots =W9zGW8IFZV&sig=O1NjwCXes1IAySYqKxJETG0qao4&hl=en&sa=X&ei=nxxUU76PPNeysAT7_4GQAg&ved=0CIcBEOgBMAk4Cg#v=onepage&q=controversies%20teen%20mom%20and%201 6%20and%20pregnant&f=fal see http://quod.lib.umich.edu/ cgi/t/text/pageviewer -idx?c=acls&cc=acls&idno=heb08301.0001.001&node=heb08301.0001.001%3A9&view=image&seq=219&size=100http://www.blackwellreference.com/subscriber/uid=703/tocnode?id =g9781405100946_chunk_ g978140510094625#ss2http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/biography/FL/Freston-Tom-1945.htmlhttps://www.american.edu/soc/communication/upload/Tiffany-Brewer.pdf