Essay / Analysis of Alfred Marshall - 613
History Background of the life of Alfred MarshallMarshallAlfred Marshall was born in Bermondsey, London (1842-1924). He was the founder of the Cambridge School of Economics and professor of political economy at the University of Cambridge from 1885 to 1908. Among his students were JM Keynes and AC Pigou, the most important figures in economics. Marshall's publications include Principles of Economics (1890), Industry and Commerce (1919), Economics of Industry (1879), Money, Credit and Commerce. His important book (1923). His important book, Principles of Economics (1890), published in eight editions during his lifetime. Marshall proposed a number of theories including demand theory, production theory, cost of production and supply, price determinant theory, prices deviating from cost of production and pricing of production factors. Marshall was the son of a cashier. at the Bank of England, a tyrannical gentleman who made his son promise never to play chess because it was a waste of time. He also tried to ban mathematics from Marshall's life....