Essay / Filming Techniques Analysis of Spirited Away
Spirited Away, titled Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi in Japan, follows a young girl named Chihiro on an adventurous but menacing journey to a magical kingdom after her parents are turned into pigs. She forms relationships with people who will help her find her way home, like Haku, Zeniba, and Mr. Kamaji. She also encounters people like Yubaba who try to make her stay in the spirit realm difficult. Spirited Away quickly became the highest-grossing Japanese film of all time. It received many positive reviews in all aspects of cinema. It has won several awards, including a Golden Bear in 2002 at the Berlin International Film Festival, and an Oscar in 2003 for best animated film. Hayao Miyazaki, the screenwriter and director of the film, strongly encourages Japanese culture and its survival. He believes that “surrounded by high technology and its fragile devices, children are increasingly losing their roots” (Reider). Hayao Miyazaki's goal is to present not only an animated film, but also a work of art. He does this by using certain animation and filmmaking techniques, applying Japanese culture, and creating in-depth characters, all of which highlight key symbols in the film. Miyazaki's strong support of Japanese culture often becomes important in the film. Once Chihiro learns that her parents are pigs, she believes she is dreaming. "Go away. Go away. Disappear..." she says to herself, only to discover that she is literally disappearing. This is because she has not yet eaten any food from the realm in which She finds herself there. She meets Haku, a young bathhouse apprentice. He gives her food and she begins to reappear. This scene reflects old Japanese mythological stories that believe that eating food from another realm will keep you. ... middle of paper...... » Miyazaki certainly does. a critical analysis of cinematic techniques in Spirited Away." Babel 45.1 (2010): 30+. Literary Resource Center. Internet. April 27, 2014. Knox, Julian. "Hoffmann, Goethe and Miyazaki's Spirited Away." Worth Circle42. 3 (2011): 198+. Internet Literary Resource Center. April 27, 2014. "Miyazaki in Spirited Away // Interviews // Nausicaa.net." Miyazaki in Spirited Away //Interviews // Nausicaa.net. Trans. Ryoko Toyama. Ed. The Ghiblink team. Np, and Web. April 27, 2014.Reider, Noriko T. "Spirited Away: A Film About Fantastic and Evolving Japanese Folkloric Symbols." Film Review 29.3 (2005): 4+. Literary Resource Center. Internet. April 27, 2014.Spirited Away. Real. Hayao Miyazaki. Studio Ghibli, 2001.DVD