Essay / Ethical decision making in education - 1415
Teachers are faced with making ethical decisions on a daily basis. In this scenario, the teacher is solely responsible for making the ethical decision of whether to go against school policy and continue to sponsor McJacks, which in turn is discriminatory against from Molly. This essay will examine possibilities for the teacher from four ethical frameworks and discuss final recommendations based on this analysis. Consequentialists would argue that an act is right or wrong based on the goodness or evil inherent in the consequences of that act (Hugh, 2000). ). Three possible consequentialist theories can be considered. Egoistic theorists, such as Stirner, would argue that actions should be motivated by self-interest and should have the least negative consequences for decision makers (Leopold, 2006; Regis, 1980). An altruistic theorist, like Comte, believes that although decision-makers may benefit from decisions, they are morally obligated to serve the interests of humanity, even at their own expense (Abruzzi and McGandy, 2006). In contrast, utilitarianism occurs when one person's actions provide the most practical and achievable outcome for the greatest number of people, including the decision maker (Mill, n.d.). One possibility from the consequentialist framework would reflect the theory of utilitarianism. This should involve; refuse sponsorship, adhere to school policy, continue to educate students about healthy choices, and suggest that McJacks use other means to advertise their product. Although accepting sponsorship benefits the school, it would send the wrong message to students and the community, leading to negative consequences in the future. By adopting this approach, the teacher defends her valued position within the school, the student... middle of paper ... the marketer's dream place. National Times. Retrieved July 15, 2010 from http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/schools-are-a-marketers-dream-venue-20091021-h8xj.htmlHugh, L. (2000). The Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory. Blackwell Philosophy Guides. Oxford, OX, UK; Malden, Massachusetts, USA Blackwell Publishers. Hursthouse, R. (1999). Virtue ethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved July 8, 2010, from http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ethics-virtue/Leopold, D. (2006). Max Stirner. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved July 11, 2010 from http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/max-stirner/Mill, J. (nd). Utilitarianism. Retrieved July 7, 2010 from http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/m/mill/john_stuart/m645u/chapter2.html Regis, E. (1980). What is ethical egoism. The University of Chicago Press. Flight. 91, no. 1, p.. 50-62.