
  • Essay / integration of learning - 809

    IntroductionDepending on the question I ask, in this assignment I will explain what I understand and discover about learning or which can be termed as behaviorism. What is learning? In psychology, the term learning refers to a permanent change in behavior through experience (Lahey, 2012, p. 194). My mission will be to explain the concept or perception of learning from the position of behaviorists Ivan Pavlov, John. B Watson, Edward Thorndike, BF Skinner and Albert Bandura. Through my research in six journals, I would use these journals to critically analyze the perception of the behaviorists I had mentioned. I will attempt to combine the theories of these researchers from the six journals I reviewed. Learning is very important in our daily life no matter we are young or old and through learning we have developed our own behavior or personality. We all learn to do so many things and stay or leave that certain thing. We learn to fear something, develop better behavior if a pleasant thing happens or avoid something unpleasant and we also learn by thinking critically and creatively about how to solve a problem. We can say that learning is the process of observing the behavior of others and perhaps practicing a certain behavior in a specific place or situation. From what I know, if we want to develop a behavior, we have to practice that behavior for twenty-one days and it automatically becomes one of our permanent behaviors. Different situation, we describe a different role. For example, a student's role is to listen to the lesson and study from the lecturer, while a staff member's role is to complete the work or task given by their boss. But is it difficult to eliminate a certain behavior? Maybe it's different... middle of article... Iversen (1992) explains: “SR and S'-R'- were paired simultaneously. SR is a reflex observable before conditioning, where S refers to stimuli emanating from food and R refers to a response involving food ingestion. S'-R is also a reflex but of the investigative type. Such investigative reflexes generally disappear through adaptation. When S' is presented alone after the simultaneous pairing of SR and S'-R', R will occur without S (p. 2).” Works CitedMcLeod, SA (2008). Classic packaging. Retrieved from, R.E. (2004). The Classical Origins of Pavlovian Conditioning. Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science, 39(4), 279-294. Watson, J.B. and Rayner, R. (2000). Conditioned emotional reactions. American Psychologist, 55(3), 313-317. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.55.3.313