
  • Essay / Teaching and Learning "Rate of Change" (Slope) in...

    Analysing Understanding is an essay that will discuss the studied issue of teaching and learning "Rate of Change (Slope)" in high schools in Australia. Students need contextual knowledge of slope “so that they come to see slope as a graphical representation of the relationship between two quantities” (Center for Algebraic Thinking (CAT), 2014). Without the multiple understandings required to master “rate of change” and algebra, many students are ill-equipped to advance to higher levels of mathematics. It is necessary to engage students at a level where they use the skills of inquiry, collaboration, hypothesising, deductive reasoning and experimentation on real-world examples so that misconceptions are identified for purposes correctives. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) can greatly assist teachers in providing differentiated learning environments to deliver optimal learning outcomes for the diverse student population. Skemp (1976/2006) defines relational understanding and instrumental understanding and supports the need for teachers to adopt relational understanding. methods to their teaching practices. Instrumental understanding is simply memorizing the steps or algorithms of a process, which produces correct answers. Relational understanding requires that students acquire knowledge, which adds to their schema of the subject studied, and thus allows them to apply the correct processes to solve a problem even when confronted with new situations. The specific curriculum topic that this essay will focus on is “rate of change.” One problem, not unique to mathematics, is that the terminology can be confusing to students unless they are trained to interpret words that are in the middle of a sheet.... ) Retrieved from, R. (2006). Relational understanding and instrumental understanding. Teaching Mathematics in Colleges, 12 (2), 88-95. (Originally published in Mathematics Teaching, 77, 20-26, 1976)Stump, SL (2001). Understanding of slope as a measurement by high school precalculus students. School Sciences and Mathematics, 101(2), 81-89. Retrieved from Swan, M. (2009). Improving mathematics learning. [audio podcast]. Retrieved from, J.G. and Gerson, H. (2007). Teachers' personal agency: making sense of slope using additive structures. Educational studies in mathematics, 65(2) pp. 203-233