Essay / android - 585
Experts have estimated that by 2014, smartphones will be capable of delivering quality, graphics-intensive multi-layered games. This is a look at where we are and what we can easily expect with the upcoming titles planned for 2014. As thin as these amazing devices are, they are already capable of delivering games like a console! Alas, there are thousands of apps, each catering to their own specific niche, many of which are not graphics intensive, but some titles set the standard and push smartphones to their limits, offering a similar level of gameplay to titles of console hits released familiar. Shadowgun, for example, is considered an Android version of the hit title Gears of War, while Real Racing 3, on the other hand, is considered by many of its users to be similar to the Playstation 3 console title, Grand Touring. They set the standard for what real Android games should look like and give us a glimpse of how graphics intensive and advanced future titles will be in 2014. Shawdowgun is one of the most popular graphically advanced third person games....