Essay / The Role of Human Resource Management - 1329
Human Resource Management (HRM) can be described as a function within a business that deals with recruitment, management and guidance people working in the company. HRM is an organizational activity concerned with employee-related issues such as hiring, compensation, welfare, safety, employee motivation, benefits, administration, communication and training (Heathfield). HRM is also a comprehensive and strategic approach used in managing people as well as the workplace environment and culture. When HRM is effective, employees are able to contribute effectively and be productive to the overall direction of the organization and the achievement of the objectives and purpose of the organization. Currently, human resources management has moved away from traditional roles related to personnel transactions and administration, which are increasingly outsourced. An organization expects that HRM adds value through the strategic and efficient use of workers and that personnel programs impact the business in a way that can be measured. demonstrate value. There was a time when all departments at the Have handled every staffing in the organization, from firing and hiring to determining salaries and administering benefits. However, the role of HR has begun to diversify significantly due to the shrinking of departments in organizations at all levels. According to studies by the Society for HRM, the largest professional association, the average number of employees in the human resources department fell from 13 in 2007 to 9 in 2008 (Rendon). In the past, what was once the domain of HR services is outsourced, making it a middle of paper policy, up from 14% in 2001. Work Cited: Heathfield, Susan M . What is human resources management? Definition of human resources management. May 5, 2014. http://humanresources.about.com/od/glossaryh/f/hr_management.htmJohnson, P. Human resources management in changing organizational contexts. In D. G. Collings & G. Wood (Eds.), Human resource management: A critical approach (pp. 19-37). London: Routledge, (2009) Paauwe, J. and Boon, C. Strategic HRM: A critical review. In D. G. Collings & G. Wood (Eds.), Human resource management: A critical approach (pp. 38-54). London: Routledge (2009) Rendon, Jim. Ten things human resources won't tell you. April 19, 2010. May 5, 2014. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303491304575188023801379324Vijayaragavan, K. and Singh, Y., P. (nd). Chapter 14 - Human resources management in the context of extension. http://www.fao.org/docrep/w5830e/w5830e0g.