Essay / China, the Boxer Rebels and Western Disapproval...
By the end of the 19th century, 60 years had passed since China's loss in the Opium Wars and Treaty of Nanking was adopted, opening trade with Britain. This treaty held economic ties, but also ultimately engendered many sociological pressures from the strong Christian nation, which were not lost on the Chinese keen to resist any change from their already advanced culture. Under a weak body of government, the best method of fighting insurgent retaliation against the influence of a powerful foreign power was consistent guerrilla warfare. By 1898, Christian missionaries had already passed laws that created such a disparity between Chinese converts and others that many Chinese sought different methods, including rebellion, to try to end segregation. The Boxers, a popular rebel group who used an ancient and spiritual form of self-defense called martial arts to lead the Boxer Rebellion, served as a guide in launching trench warfare against the powerful influences of the West. Many believed that in a time of such religious corruption at the hands of Western missionaries, the rebel Boxer...