
  • Essay / Change in Organizations - 2398

    Word Count 3000Why are there different perspectives on change in organizationsINTRODUCTIONOrganizational ChangeIn an ever-changing business environment, for organizations to remain competitive in this rapidly changing world of technological development and globalization, organizations must regularly review frameworks and manage change as well as their work practices and systems if they are to remain competitive. “It is becoming increasingly important for organizations to gain a competitive advantage by being able to manage and survive change” “Organizational change has become synonymous with managerial effectiveness since the 1980s (Burnes, 1996; Wilson, 1992). A definition given by Mark Hughes (2006) in his book Change Management defines “change” as “the leadership and direction of the process of organizational transformation – particularly with regard to the people aspects and overcoming resistance to change” (Hughes, 2006). Change is a constant feature of organizational life and the ability to manage it is considered an essential skill of successful organizations (Bumes, 2004b). The ability of organizations to manage and survive change is becoming increasingly important in an environment of ever-increasing competition and globalization of markets (Cao and McHugh, 2005: 475). Organizational change involves, by definition, a transformation of an organization between two moments. It is crucial for organizations to “accept that undertaking change is a natural part of business life in order to stay in tune with improvement needs or customer or fashion demands”. The IBM (2008) report on Making Change Work states that "the effects of globalization, technological advances and complex multinational organizations enable... middle of paper... e-approaches for all." For example, they attempt to combat resistance to change by involving employees in the design of the initiative, even when employees do not have the information needed to make a useful contribution. “We must be wary of ready-made formulas or commercially available improvement programs. Improvement tools, techniques, and approaches should be customized to fit our unique personal, team, and organizational circumstances. This is why trendy programs such as quality circles, excellence, customer service, quality improvement, teams, empowerment, reengineering, etc. are popular. have failed or failed in many organizations. They are often sold as a single, step-by-step process that we can integrate directly into our organization. When that doesn't work, some managers or consultants try to change the organization to fit the program rather than the other way around...