1: Introduction Democracy and civic life are two different concepts, but the two are interrelated when the discussion of both takes place in the context of citizenship. In general, democracy means government by the people or by representatives elected in elections, democratic government exercised through representation. The definition of democracy literally means “the power of the people”, which comes from the Greek word “Demos”. While "Kratos" means "rule or power", democracy therefore generally means government by the people (Kamus Dewan Edisi Empat). There are several types and forms of democracy practiced by some countries around the world in their governmental systems. Among them are parliamentary democracy (Malaysia), liberal democracy, presidential democracy (Indonesia, Philippines, United States) and socialist democracy (Laos, Myanmar). According to the 4th edition of the Hall Dictionary, civic education means knowledge of people, rights, and a person's sense of responsibility toward his or her community. Whereas civic life is the public life of a citizen concerned with community affairs. This civic life is different from the private life of a citizen which is more oriented towards the pursuit of personal interests. In general, the concepts of civic life and democracy have a very meaningful connection when these two concepts are discussed in the context of a person's life. citizenship, where democracy is a system practiced by a country that will ultimately shape the civic life of its citizens. 2:0 Pri...... middle of paper ...... this democratic system. The principle of democracy which emphasizes equality and justice needs to be studied further, because each multi-community society has a different struggle agenda, needs and demands. Civic life is not just about people being comforted by the practiced democratic system. but also people who contribute and get involved in the formation of a balanced society. To be an effective society, they must know and understand the functions of a democracy so as not to act in a bad way. The practice of democracy indeed shapes the civic life of the inhabitants of a country, particularly from the point of view of legislation. economy, education, etc. Democracy also affects the type of involvement and the resulting type of citizen, i.e. whether the citizen is actively or passively involved..