Essay / Teacher Sensitivities and Insensitivities in...
Educators need to know how to communicate effectively with their students' parents as a basic skill. An important factor in communicating as a teacher is being aware of the social and economic state of the community in which one is teaching. Language, literacy and comprehension vary across socio-economic contexts. In “upper class” communities, parents tend to be more educated while “lower class” parents tend not to be as educated. Their educational plateau may have only reached a trade school, high school, or perhaps a lower level. Another barrier that hinders communication is the ability to understand English. Many families come to the United States for a better chance at a better life and must learn the complex English language. In the back-to-school speech, delivered by an urban school teacher within a low-income, English-speaking learning community, there were instances of insensitive and sensitive. The speech demonstrated sensitivity to parents by providing translators for parents and providing a disclosure document including notes and rules as well as state and national standards. Additionally, the teacher further demonstrated her sensitivity to parents' needs by providing dates and information about when she would be available so parents could contact her. By providing translators for parents, the teacher was able to bridge the gap between professional language and common vocabulary (household vocabulary) that commonly exist in low-income communities. “Language differences can deprive parents of important information and prevent them from sharing their own knowledge with professionals who care for the family” (Mendoza, 2003). Translators have helped break down barriers between the paper medium and an active role by “increasing communications, (and) recognizing and establishing connections between institutions” (Epstein, 2001). My future plans also include including tips in the aforementioned newsletter that would help parents expand "their knowledge of how to help their children at home" (Epstein, 2001). Overall, I want parents to know that I need their help in raising their children and that I am sensitive to their needs. Works Cited Epstein, J. (nd). School, family and community partnerships. WGU Electronic Reserves. Retrieved February 28, 2011, from wgu.docutek.com.wguproxy.egloballibrary.com/eres/download.aspx?docID=33&shortname=schoolfamilycommpartnerships.pdfMendoza, J. (nd). Archives of the ERIC/CEE summary. Communicate with parents. CEEP. University of Illinois. Retrieved March 28, 2011 from http://ceep.crc.uiuc.edu/eecearchive/digests/2003/mendoza03.html