Essay / 4-mat review - 1018
Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity written by David Entwistle (2010), talks in depth about theology and psychology, their differences and similarities. Enteistle begins the book by explaining historical views on faith and science. Both of these topics were debated and continue to be debated to this day. As Entwistle explains, “Over the past century, the relationship between faith and science has been the subject of intense debate. A related dispute involved encounters between religion and psychology” (Entwistle, pp.8). Entwistle goes on to explain how “some people see Christianity solely as a religious belief and psychology as a profession, with very little overlap between them” (Entwistle, pp.10). Entwistle explained that this argument should be rejected because our opinions and beliefs begin with belief systems. Entwistle gave three examples to simplify what Christianity really means. As he stated, the first example is that “Christianity provides a worldview from which to understand the nature of the world and the nature of humanity” (Entwistle, pp.11). Second example: “The Christian worldview should encourage us to apply our abilities to humane and godly ends” (Entwistle, pp.11). Third: “As Christians we are called to do all things: (Entwistle, pp.11). Christianity is not only a religion, it is also used as a counseling technique. Christianity is based on faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ, which requires faith and knowledge of the word of God. The Bible is the teaching that contains all the standards and regulations that God wants us to live by. This book will also help students trying to become Christian counselors differentiate between psychology and theology. Although psychology and Christianity may seem opposites, the two work well together. As Entwistle has shown, there are many models that show