Essay / Impact of Organizational Restructuring on...
LITERATURE REVIEWWhen organizational restructuring is done properly, it will lead your organization to give maximum organizational performance. In a research article by William McKinley and Andreas Georg, they explored two consequences of organizational restructuring that are generally unanticipated by managers and are, at the organizational restructuring level, cognitively productive for senior managers, while At the environmental level, they are the consequence of environmental instability. Both have the effect of promoting further organizational restructuring, making restructuring a sphere of self-interest. Most of the economic press and intellectual writings on this phenomenon are limited to the anticipated financial and strategic consequences of restructuring. Following the distinctions made by Merton (1936), Rogers (1995) and Tenner (1996) between intended and unforeseen consequences, William and Andreas focused on some less transparent consequences of restructuring that they believe were unforeseen by most managers. They proposed that organizational restructuring in an unstable environment generates a sense of cognitive order among senior managers but that this is not shared by their subordinates, who are inclined to perceive organizational restructuring and, therefore, it becomes a source of cognitive disorders and leads employees to betrayal. Environmental instability produced by large-scale organizational restructuring stimulates managers' perceptions of environmental instability and, therefore, additional restructuring. In a research article on organizational performance, authors David Parker and Keith Hartley say they studied 10 organizations in the United Kingdom. who have experienced changes in their organizations. Their goal is...... middle of article......: Cornell University, School of Industrial & Labor Relations Stable retrieved: April 20, 10 URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable / 30038608 Accessed: 12/30/2009 02:26 • http://www.restructuringfilePages%20from%20Chapter%203%20-%20The%20impact%20of%20change%20on%20people%20(2).pdf)• http http://www.restructuringHelpingYourOrganizationRestructure. (nd)pdf• http://www.restructuringJBAM_7_3_1_Organizational_Commitment.pdf• http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-10878_11-1030446.html• http://www.Restructuring Health Care impact of job change Vol_ 14 No_ 1 2001 Nursing Leadership (CJNL) Longwoods Publishing.mht• F: