Essay / Success: presidential success, success or influence?
Roll-call votes, number of bills signed, and number of presidential vetoes provide an interesting method of measuring success. They are quantitative in nature and present a statistical relationship. As Dr. Whitlock says: “There's a reason Americans prefer football to soccer: we like score. “Although the emphasis on success is common and relatively easy to measure, some scholars, notably (Collier 1959), have argued that it fails to provide a complete picture of legislative enactment. For example, as (Collier 1959) pointed out, the passage of legislation signed by the president may be different from the original bill presented to Congress. Yet the president can still claim political victory after the bill passes. Furthermore, in divided government, when party control is shared between branches, outcome measures of success may fail to provide a complete picture of which actor was actually preventing the achievement of the outcome. party goal.