Essay / Music therapy and its positive effects on the brain
Modern medicine is the combination of modern technologies and ancient practices. Along with technological advancements in medical equipment and treatments, using music to connect with patients remains a reliable practice. Throughout the history of healing practices, music has been used as medicine. Music is so revolutionary in that it has the ability to affect human beings in so many ways. Music is a huge benefit in a treatment plan because it is calming, strengthening and can be used for both the physically and mentally ill. To begin, the American Music Therapy Association defines music therapy as "the clinical and evidence-based use of musical interventions to achieve individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed a music therapy program approved. Basically, this means that music therapy is designed to improve a patient's life, and music therapists learn how to do this and are licensed in the science of music therapy. Because music has a positive effect on the brain, its possible applications are almost limitless. . According to musictherapy.org, "music therapy can be used to address patient needs related to breathing, chronic pain, physical rehabilitation, diabetes, headaches, heart conditions, surgery, and obstetrics, among others. » Music is essentially “sensory stimulation” to borrow terminology from musictherapy.org. This essentially means that music has a direct effect on our senses, and therefore our mood. Music can soothe any type of pain, which is why it is so interesting, the benefits are not limited to physical ailments. Music therapy for psychiatric patients is equally beneficial. Credits from the Music Therapy Association of British Columbia......middle of article......ut.com/od/tensiontamers/a/music_therapy.htm http://www.musictherapy. org/assets/1/7/MT_Medicine_2006.pdf http://www.healthyplace.com/alternative-mental-health/treatments/music-therapy-for-treatment-of-psychiatric-disorders/ http://www.brainfacts .org/sensing-thinking-behaving/senses-and-perception/articles/2013/a-dose-of-music-for-pain-relief/ http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?p =music+therapy+in +action&vid=fe4d43da9ae45bab5bb3ac866ec28092&l=5%3A00&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DVN.608009408923700210%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2 F%2Fwww .youtube .com%2Fregarder %3Fv%3DAnVL7vdenxk&tit=Healing+through+the+power+of+music+-+Music+Therapy+in+Action+at+Children%26%2339%3Bs+Hospital+Oakland&c=0&sigr =11akfhk03&sigt=12vdh90a7&ct=p&pstcat=healthcare+et+medicine&age=0&hsimp=yhs-looksafe_ds_trans&hspart=newnet&tt=bhttp://www.musictherapy.org/about/personal_stories/