Essay / Essay on Religion and Religion - 1243
A child only knows what he is taught, so if a child only learns that his religion is the correct religion, he will believe that only his religion is correct. Children acquire the concept of religion before they can even think for themselves. Children start going to church almost from birth, if their family is religious. From a very young age, they are preached the stories of their religion. So they learn to accept stories, no matter how extreme they may be. People believe in what has surrounded them their whole lives. They are told there is a God and they don't have the knowledge to question it, so they believe it. God then becomes unquestionably accepted, as is waking up every day. Ideas that are formed young usually have great influence throughout a person's life, which is why religion targets children at such a young age. Children are encouraged to come to church and participate in young children's gatherings. It is easier to convince a naive child than an educated adult. Fear is another driving force that pushes people toward religion. Religions punish non-believers. Taking Christianity as an example, if people don't believe in God, they go to hell for eternity. So religion uses the fear of being punished if someone is a non-believer as a way to recruit someone to become religious. Fear of eternal punishment keeps many people in the grip of