Essay / Elizabethan Poor Law - 728
Every person has the right and responsibility to be a citizen of their own country and to live the best life possible. People have a responsibility to become leaders, like Queen Elizabeth I, to lead Britain. Some people under the queen find it difficult to live; people like the paupers or paupers in the 17th century. Queen Elizabeth was recognized at this time as an absolute monarch and a responsible Tudor queen. She achieved many goals that helped her and her people prosper. There was one achievement that affected many people, especially the poor, and that was the Elizabethan Poor Law. He organized the poor and later influenced future poor laws. Queen Elizabeth I notices the growing number of poor people in Britain. She and Parliament were responsible for these people and tried to figure out what to do. Parliament tried to avoid starvation and struggled to have authority over the public. Unfortunately, Britain suffered from economic situations. There has been inflation in food prices. Grain prices increased by about 70% to the 17th percent. Famine reigned throughout the country. The wages of workers, especially farmers, have fallen by around 60%. Unfortunately, there was no source of relief due to the disintegration of the feudal system (Boyer). The rest of the population mainly moved to the provinces and cities. Only a few poor people had the ability to earn their own wages. Parliament requested help from many parishes. However, there were misunderstandings among the poor wandering from one place to another without occupation. A law was later issued for this problem to punish vagrants and provide some relief to the poor. They were usually hanged (Bliss). The poor struggled in English society. There were d...... middle of paper ....... Np, Nov. 12, 2002. Web. February 10, 2014. • Boyer, George. “English Poor Laws”. EH.Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. May 7, 2002.< http://eh.net/encyclopedia/english-poor-laws/>• Happiness. “The Elizabethan Poor Laws.” The Elizabethan Poor Laws. NP, 1908. Web. February 11, 2014. • “Relief to the poor 1601-1834”. Lincolnshire Archives. No. Internet. February 11, 2014. • “Poor Law Records”. Discovering English ancestors. NP, 2012. Web. February 10, 2014. .• “A Brief Explanation of the Poor Law Concerning Rural Communities 1601-1834.” Rossbret workshop. No. Internet. February 27 2014. .