Essay / Analysis of Eric Scheidler's article on adolescents and birth...
Scheidler is certainly entitled to his own opinions, but a man objects to something that has no effect on his body ? It may impact her children's bodies, but not hers. It presents no meaningful argument against the risk an adolescent girl might be at or any medical reasoning for why adolescent girls should not have access to birth control. He makes the argument that IUDs could cause early abortion, but this fits with his own ethic that abortion is wrong. Scheidler then proceeds to develop a scenario in which girls use birth control. Scheidler actually compares birth control to boys using steroids before sporting events. Yes, you read that correctly. Scheidler says, “Parents and coaches are trying to discourage boys on the football team from using steroids to improve their athletic performance. The AAP encourages girls on the cheerleading squad – or volleyball team – to have steroid-releasing devices implanted in their bodies. body ". He tries to compare them as the same substance, but never even tries to compare the two.