Essay / Love: The True Meaning of Love - 1506
She writes about truth, trust and love, but as these topics alone make her boring, but when you listen to it, the song is alive and something you could dance to. but it has such a powerful meaning. Some of the lyrics show how Adele really feels about this person she is singing about in her song. "I know you haven't made up your mind yet, but I would never hurt you. I've known this from the moment we met, without a doubt in my mind where you fit in. I would be hungry ;I was turning black and blue, and I was crawling down the avenue No, there's nothing I wouldn't do to make you feel my love. this man/woman that she loves them So the love in the character of this song is a constant emotion that must be proven to be real, love is not given, you. have to earn it and after you earn it you have to continue to show the aspects that made you earn it in the first place Which I agree with because you shouldn't lie to that person and once you. finally get what you want, you show your true