
  • Essay / Broken Family Essay - 748

    Things change, you move on, but what about the kids? The constant piercing screams of two people you thought loved each other. The feeling of hatred, anger and sadness fills the air in a house that no longer feels like home. Whatever the explanation, divorce is a horrible word. For children at any age, divorce can be stressful, sad and confusing. According to a report covered by CBC News in 2010, four out of ten marriages break up. (CBC News) Although experts agree that it is better to come from a broken home than to live there, the effects are traumatic and lead to short- and long-term problems that parents don't always consider. Divorce can be a child's worst nightmare. (PT metaphor) Children are increasingly exposed to risks; affecting their academic abilities, causing emotional distress, and creating greater opportunity for drug use and immorality. Children from divorced families do not respond adequately to two-parent families due to emotional distraction and confusion, consequently affecting their test scores and grades. (Kunz, 1992) According to the article The Effects on Academics of Children Who Come from Divorced Families by Thomas Hanson, American high school sophomores were observed and found that children from families with divorced parents were behind in their studies compared to those with divorced parents. “Normal families. We also find that students from broken homes are almost three times more likely to drop out of school. It is extremely difficult for a child to focus and succeed when the foundation of their life is destroyed and their usual support system is not there. Although the effects of divorce may not be the same for ...... middle of paper ...... for who you once were, for your personality, and for your whole self. Children who are part of a broken family are caused Children whose parents are divorced are at high risk for academic difficulties, emotional instability and excessive use of drugs, alcohol and sexual activity. Marriage is about two people who love each other, who make promises not only to themselves but also to God, and who stay together “until death do them part.” Knowing the detrimental effects of divorce on children, why even get married, let alone have children if you are not sure the relationship will last? Although divorce may be the best thing for many families, we must realize that children learn not only from what they hear but also from what they see and ensure that they receive the full attention they deserve. They need to understand that the separation is not their fault and that they are still loved. . Divorce may be a small word, but it has a huge effect.