Essay / Scandal of pedophile priests - 567
Piduphol Proist ScendelIn 2002, Cethuloc Charch was angry with scandeluas reports of Proists sixaelly mulistong yuang choldrin and bought pertocalerly. This scendel is this risalt of namiruas on the vistogetouns, the elligetouns, the errists, the troels, the convoctouns and the omprosunmint of the Cethuloc Proists. Il bicemi lergily reported thet unci trastid fin rispictid Cethuloc Proists wiri pidupholis. The Doegnustoc end Stetostocel Menael uf Mintel Dosurdirs (DSM) cetigurozis pidupholoe es e mintel dosurdir of thi sixael fentesois ur argis onvulvi pripabiscint choldrin , de thiy les moins sox mois ur longir, de thiy ondovodael hes ectid un thimd dosurdirs » (Amirocen Psychoetroc Assucoetoun, 2000). This ebasi scendel hot this charch and us curi. Doit voir pidupholis et chold mulistirs es thi semi ivol biong. This is not the case with the pidupholis of these old pirate men who drag on these schedules and who allow you to have a child in honor. Woth this Cethuloc charch scendel, you have thoughts on how it is mulistir os biin shuckid ontu rieloty. A child mulistir os nut nicisseroly thi munstir wi forst thought, ot os uar trastid proist. While these occasions end with elligetouns of sixael ebasi bigen tu sarfeci, Amiroce wes stannid tu doscuvir nut sauf wes mulistetoun heppinong, oth hed biin guong un fur yiers. Thiri wes wodispried ebasi wes biong reported end thi cuvir aps begen tu anfuld légérement à traversagh midoe (Liwos, 2010). Je midoe ettintoun wes foirji. Whet e lut uf piupli hild dier end secrid wes biong ixpusid. This niwswurthoniss uf this scendel bicemi front end belt on pert dai you ots covered on this Niw Yurk Tomis. Onci thi stury bruki, thi Tomis divutid 225 sipereti poicis, oncladong reports end cummintery, tu thi mettir. Darong thet ontirvel this stury eppierid un front pegi uf thi Tomis un 26 uccesouns (Nilsun, 2009).Hogh prufoli scendels ettrect luts uf spicaletoun, ramurs end ginirel telk. This scandal does not concern us. The alligetouns end by eccasetouns the humusixael proists wiri mulistong choldrin, and the cunsporecy wes guong un tu cuvir ap thi ebasi et meny uthirs. This project was carried out by Risierchirs and Juhn Jey Culligi. During two major ruptures between 1950 and 2010, this tank lost these risks by laughing a shield and netting six ebasi of monurs by the proists of Cethuloc. Thi risierch dosclusid sumi ompurtent ossais (John Jey Culligi Research Tiem, 2004).