Essay / Formative Thinking - 1374
Students are required to learn the Iowa Standards and are tested throughout the year to ensure they meet these standards. If students are not meeting the standards, we meet with these individuals to discuss their deficiencies and provide individualized goals to help them master the Iowa Standards. I do everything I can in my classroom to ensure my students meet and exceed these goals. To do this, I use many formative assessments in my classroom to ensure that students are learning the material. Some students are embarrassed to let their peers know that they do not understand the material presented. Throughout our daily lessons, students have the opportunity to use their chromebooks to tell me they don't understand. Student Chromebooks have a red and green light on the outside of their lid. Students can turn these lights on and off with just the press of a button. If students do not understand the material I am going through, they can activate the red button, and if they understand the material presented, they can activate the green button. This will allow me to quickly look around the room to see if students understand before moving on. This doesn't mean I stand at the front of the room all the time. During teaching, I circulate around the room helping students with examples that we review in class. I can catch errors that students make or spend extra time with students who don't understand the content. Sometimes I have students who help their neighbor when I am not able to provide for the struggling student. These two methods allow me to each help students in difficulty in class.