Essay / The Darfur crisis - 3081
IntroductionThe “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) is a concept that finds its roots in the philosophy of “Human Security”. Human security can be defined as focusing on the individual human being as the reference object of security, distinct from the nation-state. R2P and human security have gained momentum within the international community, both in academic and political spheres, with the aim of justifying these concepts in favor of humanitarian intervention. Taking realism as a security argument dealing directly with state security, it is accepted that nation states have valid principles. keen to protect their borders and populations against external threats, whether military force or manifestations of problems arising from disease or economic hardship. Recent events, notably the crisis in Darfur, have highlighted the threats weighing on populations and occurring in foreign countries for which realistic political theory does not offer adequate solutions. A situation that people around the world are increasingly opposed to. R2P seeks to remedy this situation by combining existing realistic sovereignty concerns with human security ideals of freeing the individual from hunger and repression. The key to the problem is the UN. The UN is an organization that has its origins as an international mediator charged with preserving international peace and security, not protecting the innocent from genocide, but with the predominance of R2P as a concept in international politics, c This is exactly what we expect from her. in addition to its aforementioned role. Pressure from advocacy groups representing human rights concerns has prompted the UN and governments around the world to adopt a more human-centered view. Civil War “Global Security.org”, accessed May 30, 2010. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/sudan-civil-war2.htmInternational Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect, accessed June 1, 2010 http://www.responsibilitytoprotect.org/index.php/component/content/article/35-r2pcs-topics/2493-general-assembly-debate-on-the-responsibility-to-protect-and-informal-interactive- dialogueInternational Coalition for Responsibility to Protect was accessed on June 1, 2010 http://www.responsibilitytoprotect.org/index.php/crises/crisis-in-sri-lankaSECRETARY-GENERAL DEFENDS AND CLARIFIES THE “RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT” WHEN FROM AN EVENT IN BERLIN “RESPONSIBLE SOVEREIGNTY: INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION FOR A CHANGED WORLD UNITED NATIONS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SG/SM/11701VIEWED 01 JUL 2010 HTTP://WWW.UN.ORG/NEWS/PRESS/DOCS /2008/SGSM11701.DOC.HTM