
  • Essay / Improving change management - 3357

    In every organization there is an opportunity to introduce new changes. Change can have a positive or negative impact on the environment, both internal and external. Implementing change requires adjusting the status quo, which sometimes causes employees directly affected by the change to feel threatened. Change can also produce positive reactions, such as boosting morale, increasing profits or decreasing costs. A new change in an environment must be carefully planned, to ensure that the expected results are achieved while maintaining all other processes at an acceptable level. Several factors contribute to improving change management within any enterprise's data center. According to Dennis Powell, these factors are (1) change planning, (2) process automation, (3) best practices/process automation, (4) a dedicated testing environment, and (5) dedication to the completeness of the tests (Powell, 2009). Powell goes on to explain that when these factors are implemented, it produces a positive impact on service downtime and operations. Stressing that a mature change management process is essential, Powell cites that "change implementation has become the number one cause of downtime, with an average of 10% of all changes canceled from production due to problems that cannot be solved. With the right change management infrastructure in place, practices can avoid some of the common pitfalls of introducing change to an organization. In terms of supporting change within the legal industry, Gerry Riskin outlines seven rules for creating change in the firm. Riskin boldly states that following the rules of change will “propel your business forward” (Riskin, 2006, p. 28). ......nization in the middle of the paper is much more effective than from the bottom. Careful planning and execution, as well as addressing the majority of expectations, will lead to successful change implementation. Works Cited A concrete look at data center relocation. (2009). Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Luftman, J., & Bullen, C., & Liao, D., & Nash, E., & Neumann, C. (2004). Managing information technology resources: leadership in the information age. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Powell, D. (2009). Top 5 Factors That Affect Change Management in the Data Center. Data Center Journal. Riskin, G. (2006). The Seven Immutable Laws of Change Management: A catalyst for managing partners who aspire to advance their companies. EDGE International Journal. Summer 2006. Senge, P. (2006). The Fifth Discipline. New York, New York: Double day/currency.