Essay / Abortion is murder - 1172
An innocent child is killed because the mother is not prepared to have a baby at this time in her life. Is it right for her to terminate her pregnancy because she doesn't want to raise a child? Abortion should be banned because too many babies are killed by abortion, it has been reported that babies survive abortions and if you don't want a child or don't think you can raise one you can always offer it for adoption. Some people believe that when an abortion is performed, the baby does not develop, or as some say, "a bunch of cells", but the truth is that before a woman even knows she is pregnant, approximately missed four days of cycle, baby already has a heart beating at 18 days. Also at 18 days, their brains begin to develop. Around 6 weeks or so, they respond to touch. The brain and all body systems are present after 8 weeks and functioning one month later. Between 11 and 12 weeks, the baby is sensitive to heat, touch, light and noise. All body systems work equally. Studies have also shown that a baby may experience pain at 20 weeks of gestation. As they grow bigger day by day, they don't become babies like they always were, they just became more developed babies. These babies have their own DNA, gender, blood type and fingerprint, making them a unique individual. These babies are people like all the others who have walked and will walk this earth. They are human beings, whether or not they are outside the womb. Abortions have become more common in recent years. Reports show that 56% of abortions are performed at 8 weeks gestation and 88% before 13 weeks. Overall, 19% of abortions were performed during the first weeks of gestation, 6 weeks, 18% at 7 weeks, and 19% at 8 weeks. Added to this ...... middle of paper ...... - United States, 1998." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. May 3, 2011. http://www.cdc.gov /mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss5103a1.htm."Abortion Survivors." Youth For Life. May 3, 2011. http://joseromia.tripod.com/survivors.html. com Web May 3, 2011. http://www.rsrevision.com/GCSE/christianity/stepbystep/biblequotes.htm.Gibbs, Nancy. “Can a Fetus Feel Pain?” Time December 6, 2001. Web http ://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1566772,00.html.Murkoff, Heidi Eisenberg and Sharon Mazel. 2008. Print. National Catholic Education Association, Washington, DC Choose Life High: Grades 9-12 ERIC Web May 3, 2011. The New English Bible [New York]: Oxford UP., 1961..