
  • Essay / Effects of Teenage Pregnancy - 1795

    It is estimated that 750,000 teenage girls will become pregnant this year. ( Since the early 2000s, teenage pregnancy has gone from an unspeakable or taboo experience to one glorified on television and in the cinema. Teen pregnancy is a heartbreak for America and the people it will affect. Nine out of ten people know someone who is or is going to get pregnant and ends up going down a path of no return. Teenage pregnancy ends dreams and leads teenagers down the path of difficulties and emotional disparities. This example has caused some people to look down on this fundable trend. The effects of teen pregnancy are homelessness, government, health issues, population, and parental involvement. Teenage pregnancy can be seen as a debate and irresponsible behavior. Most pregnancies occur among disadvantaged individuals and families. According to a report from the Institute for Children and Poverty/Homeless Shelters, “Children Having Children: Teen Pregnancy and Homelessness.” “Fifty-three percent (53%) of teen mothers residing in shelters were themselves the product of teen pregnancy. » (Children 4). Homeless children born into these families appear to have difficulties in life. This phenomenon has led the United States to have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the industrialized world, twice as high as England or Canada. To prevent teen pregnancy, supportive environments develop and maintain personal connections. Some teenagers hope that their parents' mistakes become their own. Teen pregnancy websites have been around since 1999; when the first teen sex website was created. According to the report “What Teens Want to Know: Sexual Health Questions Submitted to a Teen Website.” "The need for a website was clear, research shows that teenagers...... middle of paper...... Karen H, Woolcock-Henry Constance O, Domenico Desirae M. "WAKE UP: PREGNANT AND PARENTING TEENS WITH ILLNESSES." THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION 20:.1 (2005):92-104. Web. "Parents Matter: Tips for Raising Teenagers." White House Conference on Adolescents. WebSawhill, Isbel V. “Welfare Reform and Reducing Teen Pregnancy (2000):40-51.Web.Shore, Rima, PhD, and Barbara Shore, MA “Kids Count Indicator Brief: Reducing the Rate.” Teen Birth Rates.” The Annie E. Casey Foundation Baltimore, MD. “Adolescent Sexual Activity, Pregnancy, and Childbearing Among Latinos in the United States” The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. M, Kohn Julia E, Franco Lydia M, Criiniti Shannon “What Teenagers Want to Know: Sexual Health Questions Submitted to a Teen Website.” » American Journal of Health Education.34:5 (2003):258-264.Web.