Essay / Comparison of Christianity and Hinduism - 871
Hinduism WorldviewThe Question of Origin – Hinduism does not consider any particular moment of origin. They believe that everything is timeless and always exists. The oldest religious text in Hinduism are the Vedas (connoting knowledge) containing hymns to various deities of the sun, moon, earth, sky, wind and night. These deities did not create the world, although Brahman is considered the "all-in-one force" (Halverson). “Brahman is the womb of both the existent and the non-existent” (Shattuck) and responsible for the establishment of the earth, sky and atmosphere, creator and first cause of reality in Hinduism . The Question of Identity – There is no sense of identity in Hinduism. , because the identity of the humanities is considered part of the ultimate reality. Hinduism believes that men and women are manifestations of a "division of Brahman into two aspects, one masculine and one feminine" (Shattuck). The man “Shiva” and the woman “Shakti” find their identity (becoming part of the ultimate reality) by obtaining enlightenment in “the individual self to lose their separate identity in the universal Self” (Shattuck) and achieve “ union with an impersonal unity. " (Halverson). The Question of Meaning/Purpose – Hinduism is a spinning wheel of life, death and rebirth called Samsara, better known as reincarnation. Hinduism believes that this cycle of life is directly linked to a person's karma, that is, to the actions he or she has performed. "Karma determines the type of body, whether human, animal or insect, in which he or she lives. reincarnates in the next life” (Halverson) To effectively end the cycle of life, one must obtain Liberation. Liberation is achieved by striving to eliminate the desires of the ego “by realizing that only 'undifferentiated unity of Brahman is real' (... middle of paper ...... the realization of enlightenment answers the question of destiny, but The destiny of a Christian is to receive eternal life. There exists many different paths to enlightenment in Hinduism, which are 'karma marga (the path of action and ritual), jnana marga (the path of knowledge and meditation), and bhakti marga (the way). of devotion)" (Halverson). These paths are very different from the Christian acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to receive salvation. The Bible is very clear that there is only one path to God. "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” John 14:6. Works Cited Halverson, Dean C. Hinduism: A Religion Profile from International Students, Inc.: Colorado Springs, CO: International Students (1992): 8. Print. Shattuck, Cybelle T. Hinduism London: Routledge, 1999. Open WorldCat Internet.. 2014.